Judeth Rubio Lozoya (she, her, hers) is CWEE’s Front Desk Coordinator. Judeth’s role at CWEE is welcoming participants and volunteers while providing a clean and safe work environment. Judeth was a CWEE participant in 2024, where she reached her goal in earning her GED. She brings the drive and desire to provide all participants with the same support, skill building and confidence that she received. Judeth brings empathy, compassion and motivation in support of CWEE’s work and mission.
Prior to joining CWEE, Judeth worked as a Crew Lead Facility Manager ll for Denver Public Schools, providing support to families and staff and ensuring the facility was operational and safe for all staff and students. Judeth is attending Community College of Denver where she will earn her Degree in Business Management.
In her free time, Judeth enjoys spending time with her family and enjoying nature in our beautiful state, while still enjoying being a homebody, where she bakes with her daughter and cares for her plant babies.
Judeth can be reached at jrubio@cwee.org