Weekly Participant Newsletter
Welcome to CWEE’s Community Connections for the week of January 29, 2025 for program participants.
Programming Information:
CWEE’s Address: 1175 Osage St, Ste 300 Denver, CO 80204
Onsite Office Hours: Monday through Thursday 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
CWEE’s physical office is closed on Fridays, including the resource room.
CWEE’s Educational Pathway Programs: For more information, contact Megan Smith.
Need to connect with your Program Advisor? Schedule a time to meet in-person at CWEE.
Career Readiness Programming: Our new program is a 12-day in-person program that will provide engaging and supportive classes focused on digital literacy, job readiness, and social emotional learning. Contact your Program Advisor if you’d like to learn more!
Reminders & Announcements
January timesheets are due Friday, 1/31.
Fill out your timesheet electronically by clicking here. If you have any questions, please contact your Program Advisor.
The CWEE office will be closed on Friday, 2/7.
Share Your Child Care Needs: Take Our Survey!
CWEE wants to understand more about your child care needs. We hope to learn about how access to child care impacts your studies, work, or CWEE program participation. By completing this survey, you will help us determine the needs for new child care solutions.
We encourage parents, guardians, caregivers of young children, and those anticipating expanding their families to participate. It should take around 15 minutes to complete the survey and we look forward to hearing from you by Wednesday, February 5, 2025!
Your responses will be kept confidential and will only be used, in summary form, to further our understanding.
Thank you for your time and participation. Please let your PA know when you have completed the survey to be entered into a drawing to win a gift card!
Take the survey
Bagels & Bytes: Digital Skills Workshops
CWEE is now offering bi-monthly digital skills workshops to participants! The group will be facilitated by Katie and Natalie, CWEE’s AmeriCorps Digital Navigators. It’s a great opportunity to eat bagels and learn about digital skills topics not covered in Career Readiness! RSVP here: registration link
- What: Bagels and Bytes: Digital Skills Workshops
- When: Wednesday, 2/12 and Wednesday, 2/26, both from 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.
- February’s Topic: Excel 101
- Who: Open to all CWEE participants (except those in Career Readiness class during the workshop time!). Don’t worry if you can’t make the first session—we’ll cover the same topics at the second one! Please note, childcare is not currently available.
- Bagels provided!
- Download flyer here
CWEE is excited to celebrate the recent achievements of our participants.
The following participants are officially employed:
- Jatavia Adams
- Brianna Paris
Week 2 – Digital Skills Completers:
- Agustina Valdez
- Angelica Aguirre
- Carissa Gonzales
- Natasha Apodaca
- Shelby Summers
- Victoria Perez
We Want to Celebrate You!
You deserve to be celebrated! Whether you’ve passed a GED test, started a new semester in your educational program, or accomplished another goal you’ve been working towards, we want to hear about and celebrate your goals and successes. Fill out our short questionnaire here.
CWEE Happenings
CWEE’s Peer Support Group
CWEE is offering a biweekly drop-in peer support group for participants! The group will be facilitated by Renee, CWEE’s Social Emotional Learning Facilitator. This is a confidential space to talk with other participants about what is happening in your life, get and give support, and share resources…And have pizza!
- What: Participant Peer Support Group
- When: Every other Wednesday 12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m. (Upcoming Dates: 2/5, 2/19, 3/5 & 3/19)
- Where: The Wellness Suite at CWEE, on the 2nd floor across from the Participant breakroom.
- Who: Open to all CWEE participants. Don’t worry if you missed the last one, come to any Wednesday group that works for you! Childcare is not currently provided, but infants are welcome to come with their parents!
- Pizza lunch provided!
Workshop: Financial Tips with JP Morgan Chase
Representatives from JP Morgan Chase will be at CWEE to discuss how to set financial goals, build a budget, and save. JP Morgan Chase has a series of financial workshops that we will provide throughout the year to participants and staff. This workshop will be open for all CWEE participants and staff. RSVP here: registration link
- When: Thursday, 1/30 from 1:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m.
- Where: CWEE Office – 3rd Floor
Join Our Team
CWEE is hiring a Mental Health Therapist (Family Focus)! Click here to learn more about our current opening and how to apply. If you have any questions, email Elizabeth McKeon, Human Resource Generalist at emckeon@cwee.org
This Week’s Featured Resources
Winter Offerings from The Birth Squad
The Birth Squad has a few ways pregnant and new moms and birthers can receive support, build community, and heal. Sharing your feelings, worries, and experiences can feel overwhelming. Help and support are available: weekly groups, prenatal classes – every Sunday 2/23 through 3/30, and monthly meetups – third Monday of each month.
Extended Learning & Schools: Summer Camp Registration
Summer is only a few months away! DPS’ Extended Learning and Community Schools (ELCS) will be offering three different camp options this summer!
Please see below:
Public School Choice & Open Enrollment
Colorado law allows students to attend any school of their choice on a space available basis. Parents who are interested in open enrollment options for their students can learn more at the links below.
- Aurora Public Schools
Open Enrollment Options
Enrollment closes: 5/1 - Denver Public Schools
Round 1 Now Open
Enrollment closes: 2/18, 4:00 p.m.
Non-Profits Providing Legal Immigration Support
Every person, regardless of immigration status, has rights. Understanding these rights helps you protect yourself, your loved ones, and your community from fear tactics and misinformation. By knowing how to respond in critical moments, you can safeguard your home, advocate for your family, and strengthen your community. The link below lists the contact information and services for nonprofit organizations in Colorado who provide legal services.
Workshop: Know Your Rights as a Renter
Join Colorado Legal Services and Para Ti Mujer for a legal workshop on renters’ rights, available in-person and virtually. Learn about late payment penalties, handling repairs and maintenance issues, what to do if you’re behind on rent, and your general legal protections. This workshop will empower you to avoid eviction and understand your right to a safe home. Don’t miss this opportunity! Thursday, 2/6 from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Virtual and in-person at 150 Sheridan Blvd, Denver, CO 80226
No Cost Grocery
Re:Vision Co-Op offers free, nutritious, and culturally relevant foods to the community every Tuesday and Wednesday! Get fresh fruits, vegetables, and staples such as rice, beans, milk, and eggs. All are welcome, no appointment needed. Tuesdays from 11:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. and Wednesdays 10:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at 3738 Morrison Rd Denver, CO 80219
Need more support?
Find additional food, clothing, and community resources on our Community Resources page.
You can always contact your CWEE Program Advisor.
Call 2-1-1 at any time to talk to someone who can connect you to more resources.
CWEE Contact Information
Click here for a list of departments at CWEE, phone numbers, and email addresses.